Phnom Penh to Bangkok

Phnom Penh to Bangkok

How to travel from Bangkok to Phnom Penh the cheapest way since there are several alternatives for this journey here are some options.

  • By air it is a short hop with the aircraft to Siem Reap or directly to the Cambodian capital by air from almost all ASEAN capitals. To facilitate this the airport in Siem Reap was just placed on the road between the city and Angkor Wat.

This makes it easy to roam the ruins take the car to the airport and end up in the capital in about 3 hours, usually it's about 6 hours either with the coach or the boat on the Tonle Sap.

  • By coach and a bus ride through the flat land maybe a boat service and a good coach although quite slow since the road is bad and broken. The boat starts at Sisowath Quay in Phnom Penh and ends a bit south of Siem Reap. Since there is not much to see on the Tonle Sap Lake the bus is the better option travel time with the coach is about 6 hours the river ship is $ 35,- and the bus is $7,-. The ship starts a short distance away from Siem Reap Town and arrives directly in Phnom Penh center at the Tonle Sap pier.

from Phnom Penh to Bangkok

Coaches leaving the Phnom Penh city terminal every 3 hours during the daytime, they have different sized buses to travel with the smaller ones are faster but cost the double of the big ones. They are also available in Bangkok at the Mor Chit Bus terminal bound for Phnom Penh around early afternoon and in the morning (about 8.30 am).

In Bangkok better check one day before just by using the BTS and go to the Mor Chit Terminal counter this can cost some time but you can depend on as a rule of thumb in Thailand you will hardly get a correct answer on any question.

Phnom Penh to Bangkok by Train
