Bangkok to Siem Reap

Bangkok to Siem Reap / Angkor

Bangkor to Siem Reap or Phnom Penh is where most travelers come into the country. The country is squeezed between Thailand Vietnam and Laos, for more geographical data see the map below.

Since there are plenty of rivers it makes some sense to use ships and boats when available, but usually it's the bus people use for travel. 

Bangkok to Siem Reap

Although there is a flight link between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh. In Bangkok the cheapest are available at Mo Chit Bus Terminal which is close to the elevated BTS train station.

Buy cheap bus ticket for travel to Cambodia and elsewhere
From Bangkok to Siem reap by cheap bus tickets in good coaches

The other connection is from the airport directly to the border at Aranyaprathet and there it needs to take another transport. That is every day at about 7 am and Saturday is a second one at around 2 pm. Ticket prices are somehow similar to Mo Chit where the coach in the afternoon, around 2 pm makes a direct link. 

coming to cambodia from thailand road border crossing

at Aranyaprathet border

That means you get out at the Thai side, go through and on the Cambodian side the same vehicle is waiting carrying you into the city center of Siem Reap. That one is a bit more expensive but it's worth it to be on a safe and quick ride, only the road is real lousy (2015).  

highway transport business maybe difficult

There are also car and scooter rentals plus plenty of hotels at the relevant places although it is advisable to make some booking in the internet before at least for the first few days.

Bangkok to Siem Reap is served by aircrafts and coaches. There are two international airport, one is in the capital Phnom Penh the other is in Siem Reap which is the gateway to Angkor Wat, Thom and the ruins around. There are no hotels, and any similar infrastructure in Angkor itself.
From Siem Reap to Phnom Penh by bus

From Siem Reap to Phnom Penh are two variants, first the coaches as pictured above and second is a speed boat on the Tonle Sap River. The boat ticket cost about three times as much as the road travel. 

There are two more subjects on this first on the road a interesting view into the countryside is available on the water only a few boats can be seen. The other is, since the roads are real lousy, partly just simple dirt roads this should be considered when choosing. All hotels are selling the tickets and you will be picked up free of charge with a tuk-tuk, read more.

From Bangkok to Phnom Penh
From Bangkok to Phnom Penh

From Koh Koh Kong to Phnom Penh
From Koh Koh Kong to Phnom Penh

The territory is mostly flat with a couple of higher hill ranges such as the Cardamom mountains in the west which forms a weather barrier with the South China Sea and the Dangrek range along the northern border  with Thailand separate the country from their western neighbor. Some highlands are in the extreme northeast near to Vietnam. Actually the country has no real mountains, this are all some hill ranges in geological terms.
Dirt bike tours
Dirt bike tours

Tonle Sap River Port
Tonle Sap River Port
